Timber Sales
Managing the process for you from start to finish

Foresters love trees and forests. Forests absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, provide beautiful fall color, shade in the summer, habitat for wildlife and almost countless additional benefits.
In addition to all of their other benefits forests can also produce income for forest landowners. Through timber sales we have seen trees pay for retirements, college educations, houses, new vehicles, health care, and many other financial needs. And one of the very best attributes of a forest is they grow back.
Casey & Company Forestry, PLLC provides clients with comprehensive timber sales services. We handle every aspect of the sale from notifying adjoining landowners before the sale to regular inspections during the harvesting process.
The following is a brief summary of the timber sale process:
• Adjoining landowners are notified of the upcoming sale as a courtesy. All sale boundaries and stream buffers are marked with flagging and paint.
• Next, we conduct a timber inventory and appraisal of the timber. This appraisal is used as the basis for the acceptable price when the sale is conducted.
• A sale notice is prepared for the tract of timber and advertised to potential buyers. The sale notice spells out the conditions of the sale, such as length of time given to cut the timber and access to the timber.
• The sale notice is mailed to all potential buyers in the market area. We make ourselves available to show the tract to prospective buyers as needed.
• Approximately 3 weeks following the sale notice the actual sale is held. The majority of our timber sales are done on sealed bid basis. Buyers submit their bids on the day of the sale. All bids are kept confidential until the bid opening.
Under some circumstances we will negotiate a lump sum price with a buyer for the entire tract of timber or sell the timber on a per-unit basis. When a per-unit sale is conducted a price is negotiated per 1000 board feet or per ton for each of the merchantable species on the tract and then paid as each load is cut. These types of sales are generally reserved for low quality timber or situations that require quick harvesting such as pine beetle outbreak.
• Once the bids are announced; if the high bid is an acceptable amount, the timber is sold.
• After the timber is sold we work with an attorney draw up a timber sale agreement and handle the closing of the sale.
• Once logging begins we monitor all aspects of the harvest operation through regular visits to the site. If any problems arise we act as your agent and handle them for you.
• When the harvest is complete we will assist you with the reforestation, through tree planting or natural regeneration.
We to want to help you insure that there will be a productive forest for you in the future.