So what do foresters do on their day off? Well at least on this Saturday, foresters and other natural resource professionals gathered together at a Forest Stewards Guild meeting to look at creative and innovative forest management ideas. At this site in Granville County the group is looking at traditional forest management techniques: including commercial timber harvesting, herbicide application, and prescribed fire being used to manage for threatened and endangered species.

Smooth Coneflower, Prairie Dock, and Eastern Prairie Blue Indigo are the species of concern. David Schake, Forest Manager with NCDA & CS Research Division is in charge of managing this site.
Other stops looked at growing regenerating shortleaf pines and oaks. Sites were at Duke Forest, which is owned and managed by Duke University, and the Cherokee Boy Scout Reservation (Managed by Dave Halley) which is a Forest Guild Model Forest. For more on the Forest Stewards Guild please go to their website.