As a company that makes its way by managing natural resources we are all about green energy. Our most recent project has been installing a wood fired furnace in our office. Our office is in a metal building on Main Street in Wilkesboro. It was previously an automotive repair garage and despite our efforts at insulating when we remodeled the building it has always stayed a little too cool and drafty for most of the folks using the office during the winter.
We started out with a recycled wood furnace to make this project even greener. Many thanks to Alan and Dwayne Sidden for donating a wood furnace to the project. Throw in 16 feet of triple wall stainless steel stovepipe, some flex heat duct, a couple of ceiling heat vents, a pile of firewood and presto you have a warm office. Thirty six degrees outside, seventy three degrees inside and the heat pump is not running. Another big plus in this project is Micah Sidden, owner of Precision Land Surveying, who spends his spare time cutting firewood as a hobby.
Stop by and enjoy the warm air If you are in Wilkesboro this winter and you see smoke rolling out of our stove pipe. We might even let you play in the fire.
If you need more information on our green energy journey or other forest management advice: email us at info@caseyandcompany.com or call the office at 336-838-5766.

Micah Sidden and Mark Shumate firing up the stove for the first time.