I don’t know if the old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is true, but most people and all deer like apples. Through the years I’ve seen many a deer stand close to an old apple tree and I’ve eaten many an apple off of an old survivor apple tree near an old homestead.

Chris recently planted these apple trees for a client with two purposes in mind: eating fruit and feeding deer. The varieties were selected to make apples available over the longest period of time possible. They are all heirloom apple trees from Big Horse Creek Farm near Lansing, N.C. The varieties planted are listed below.

Betsy Deaton
Cannon Pearmain
Carters Blue
Grimes Golden
Little Limbertwig
Summer Limbertwig
Rocky River Limbertwig
Virginia Beauty
If you are interested in planting apple trees on your Property for deer or for yourself - give us a call (336) 838-5766 or check out Big Horse Creek Farm’s website, http://bighorsecreekfarm.com.