When setting up a timber sale it is a good time to think about permanent road construction. This can be truck roads or, in the upper Piedmont and Mountain areas, it may be skid trails as well.

On the timber sale in the photograph the location of the road was marked before the timber sale. The road was used as the main skid trail during logging. After logging was completed the road was regraded and sown with grass as part of the timber sale agreement. Tony Roten Logging and Parton Forest Products, Inc. did a great job closing out this sale.
Now the landowner has not only some money in his pocket, but also access to a quiet camp site beside a trout stream. If you are thinking about a timber sale in the near future give us a call and we will be glad to meet with you and discuss pre harvest planning options.
If you need more information about forest road/trail maintenance or other forest management advice: email us at info@caseyandcompany.com or call the office at 336-838-5766.